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The Lower Planes proudly presents the only SuperBBS in the WORLD!!

If you happen to find another one let me know.

SuperBBS Back in the day SBBS was one of the most forward BBS packages around. Until Aki ended up in the Finnish army in 1993, it remained in front of the other QuickBBS clones in terms of sheer volume of previously DOOR applications being written into the BBS itself. TimeBank, QWKmail, I forget what else off the top of my head.
daemon RLFossil v1.2 an implementation of a multi-line serial port driver corresponding to FOSSIL Level 5 specification and a simple HAYES-compatible modem, all wrapped into one with a telnet daemon. Once you sort out your TCP/IP Packet drivers, its remarkably easy to use.
modem Front Door 2.26, I don't have FrontDoor doing its normal thing answering calls. Its been too obstreporous to work with that way. Instead it has a VM all of its own, where it can do its own thing, sending and receiving mail at will without impinging on the regular BBS functions. Its the transport method of shifting FTN mail packets around.
Fast Echo v1.46.1 Echomail processor, well I tried to stick with IMAIL, but it wasn't to be. So I've had to swap to FastEcho to Y2K compliance, who would've thought that'd still be a thing. It files away incoming packets into the message base, and scans for newly written messages to extract and send on to other systems.

e-mail:E-mail the sysop
Created Sept 2018, last modified 13/04/2022