Operation Overkill

The Hydrites have taken over the earth. Stealing earth's water, the money of choice now, is water crystals. Your job, to kill Lord Overkill, leader of the Hydrites, all round bad guy and super tough dude. Have to admit I've never defeated Overkill, but I love this game and its complexity.

You increase in levels and power as you go along. Looting the bodies of your enemies for equipment, both to use and to sell. And for the beginner the economy is reasonably tough. You'll see all sorts of things you want to buy and either can't carry due to weight limitations or just can't afford. Enemies include the skinless man, left wandering the wastes, the Vendor who sells skulls. Strange insect life, the Insectoid, the Mantis Warrior, Rad Worms.Easily one of the most engrossing games ever if you let it. Really worth the time to play!

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