3dtris.shk185761/20-101[00] 3D Tetris
accrete2.shk297981/20-101[00] For those that have never used Accrete
>before, what this does is generate a,
>star system using very precise methods,
>based on current theory of stellar
>system generation
advnture.shk737281/20-101[00] Colossal Cave Adventure, Doni G. Grande
>ported to the IIgs in APW C.
antetris.shk735361/20-101[00] Anti-Tetris
batlship.shk772321/20-101[00] BattleShips
bjtutor3.shk1028161/20-101[00] BlackJack Tutor v3.0
blockade.shk6022041/20-101[00] Blockade, Brutal Deluxe
>remove the coloured shapes
>of the 80 levels.
blokfinl.shk6095621/20-101[00] Blockade Final,
>can't see any difference myself.
bncferno.shk4582561/20-101[00] Bouncin'Ferno
boggled.shk2352961/20-101[00] Boggled, word game.
bounceit.shk465601/20-101[00] Bounce It v1.2
bowlgs.shk636371/20-101[00] Bowl GS, Terry Burdett.
>10 pin bowling for your IIgs
bulla1.sdk3256771/20-101[00] (v0.00) Adopted : 01-15-120
cogito.shk2855231/20-101[00] Cogito, Brutal Deluxe
>Jump the pegs till theres only
>one left.
chipdip.bxy1059078/7-101[00] Chips n Dips guide your cute robot around
>picking stuff up
colrmind.shk166081/20-101[00] Color Mind
columns.shk3151201/20-101[00] Columns GS
copykill.shk866881/20-101[00] Copy Killers, something about stopping
>Pirates. Pangea Software?
cstlarms.shk819931/20-101[00] CastleArms, Tom Gooding.
>Fire a volley of cannon shot over
>the terrain and destroy your
>opponent's castle.
cyberwar.shk3513121/20-101[00] CyberWar - Futuristic wargame.
daleks.shk229921/20-101[00] Daleks avoid the daleks.
deluxtet.shk1399561/20-101[00] Deluxe Tetris, Scot Simpson, 1991
diamonds.shk1017111/20-101[00] (v0.00) Diamonds-GS v1.0fm Richard Bennett
>& Sean Craig. Collect the diamonds.
dm-maps.shk916321/20-101[00] DungeonMaster tips and maps.
dotwdemo.shk[00] Defender of the World Demo
>David Ong Tat-We, 1993
dotwb.shk3239051/20-101[00] Defender of the World, David Ong Tat-Wee
>Shoot 'em up arcade game. Fast Scrolling
>action, great 16 colour graphics, large
>game sprites, large playing area.
dq21994.shk3573011/20-101[00] Dungeon Quest 2, Davius Rex
>Dungeon Crawl RPG game. 1994 release
dq2beta.shk1605961/20-101[00] Dungeon Quest 2, v1.01
drgnwars.shk1336451/20-101[00] DragonWars Demo
dtrisv10.shk2783521/20-101[00] DuelTris tetris for two
elevator.shk89761/20-101[00] Walk across don't get squashed by the elevator
evolve.shk812141/20-101[00] Evolve or Die, Steven Harris
flortile.shk115681/20-101[00] FloorTiles
fourplay.shk279361/20-101[00] FourPlay
funcol.shk88801/20-101[00] Beyond Columns
gamehack.shk171361/20-101[00] GameHacker cheat at games your no good at :P
>by Nathan Mates
gamendas.shk278401/20-101[00] Small NDA games, minehunt, multitris,
>power grid.
gatedemo.shk[00] Gate Demo
gmhcksrc.shk97921/20-101[00] Source to GameHAcker
golfsoli.shk301651/20-101[00] Golf Solitaire, card game.
grackel.shk386401/20-101[00] Stop the Grackel Birds pooping on
>the uni students.
gsinvadr.shk569691/20-101[00] GS Invaders Demo 2, David Ong Tat-Wee, 1994
hanoi.shk148321/20-101[00] Towers of Hanoi, can you get them across?
hirilond.shk1433171/20-101[00] Hirilonde Demo 1995, Peter Mularski
>RPG, looks like another dungeon crawl
lambddmo.bxy1850888/7-101[00] Operation Lambda, Space Arcade, Bret Victor
lastrite.sdk5785621/20-101[00] Last Rites, Bullwinkle
>Dr Mario Game
letrslid.shk3652671/20-101[00] LetterSlide, Kenrick Mock
lifegs.shk83041/20-101[00] Game of Life GS
loderun.shk870241/20-101[00] LodeRunner
lunaland.shk504351/20-101[00] Luna Lander, can you safely
>land your capsule on the
>planet surface?
metacus.shk462241/20-101[00] Castle Metacus
mineswep.shk95521/20-101[00] Minesweeper, find those mines, and
>don't go bang.
moirags5.shk3854401/20-101[00] Mines of MoiraGS v5.3
montcrlo.shk281281/20-101[00] Monte Carlo- Card Game
ms2000.shk2883841/20-101[00] MileStones 2000 - Car race played with cards
numblox.shk336481/20-101[00] NumBlox
oillanda.sdk3809251/20-101[00] Oil Landers, FTA
>Incomplete game dmeo
omegags.shk5710561/20-101[00] Omega 0.80.2, Laurence Brothers
>The Final Quest, dungeon crawl through
>the castle of ultimate darkness.
onearm.shk3028801/20-101[00] OneArmBattle, you lost the other arm? No
>it's a slot machine game.
orbizone.shk1700161/20-101[00] Similar to asteroids.
othello.shk140641/20-101[00] Othello, line 'em up.
pentegs.shk4904961/20-101[00] Pente GS, Kenrick Mock
>A like GO or Go-Moku, something like
>noughts and crosses on a larger scale
plotting.shk487681/20-101[00] its in french?!@#$
plunder.shk4062601/20-101[00] Open the boxes for loot, don't pick the bomb
pokergs.shk277921/20-101[00] I think we can all play poker can't we?
pyramid.shk327841/20-101[00] Pyramid Solitaire.
puyopuyo.shk4795211/20-101[00] Puyo Puyo,
>Falling objects game, match 4 coloured
>testicles to have them disappear.
qburt.shk201121/20-101[00] Q-burt our favourite lil bouncy guy,
>change the colour of the squares.
quadomin.shk145921/20-101[00] Quadominos some sort of NDA game.
quadro.shk827041/20-101[00] Quadronome - Racquet ball kind of game for
>1 or 2 players.
qst4hord.shk3761661/20-101[00] Quest for the Hoard, Ken Burtch
>Hunt for treasure under the floor tiles
quest2.shk4454951/20-101[00] Treasures from Heaven, Ken Burtch
>Quest for the Hoard II. Based on Klax
>from Atari. Multiple Players possible.
rogue.bin1666568/7-101[00] Rogue.
romulans.shk368641/20-101[00] Broken Archive?
scm0404.shk1399681/20-101[00] Star Command GS v0.48b1 2 player game
sensei.shk4639751/20-101[00] Sensei, Karate-do!
sensless.shk5217521/20-101[00] Senseless Violence,
>somewhat like frogger, just replace
>the frog with a baby who has to cross
>the road and river.
sewage21.shk142921/20-101[00] Sewage v21, Tsetse
>Dirty stinking sewage, connect the pipes
>up so it doesn't dribble on the floor
solarian.shk2624161/20-101[00] SolarianGS
solitair.shk429371/20-101[00] Solitaire, v2.0, Bill Tudor
>Regular 7 across solitaire.
solgolf.shk301921/20-101[00] Golf Solitaire - Card Game
spcshrk.shk3777471/20-101[00] SpaceShark
spcclsta.shk2911581/20-101[00] SpaceCluster
spcwhisk.shk857601/20-101[00] Space Whiskey GS v1.0, Lane Roathe
>Stronger than regular whiskey? Nah your
>ships crew is drunk, take their whiskey
>to sober them up.
spelbndr.shk627361/20-101[00] SpellBinder defeat your former mentor.
spyhuntr.shk983521/20-101[00] SpyHunter car game
stalacti.shk1063211/20-101[00] Stalactites, Burger Bill
>Avoid the bouncy balls and falling
starcomm.shk1399551/20-101[00] (v0.00) Star Command GS v0.4.8b1, J Lee
startrek.shk4358261/20-101[00] The old original StarTrek game
>with some sound upgrades and spiffy
>graphics in place of the text
swv101.shk855361/20-101[00] Space Whiskey, stronger than regular
>whiskey.Shoot down the alien ships
tanksgs.shk357601/20-101[00] Destroy the AI Elvis tank
tessract.shk454081/20-101[00] Tesseract
tetrix.shk757921/20-101[00] Tetrotrix, a tetris game
thetinys.shk5498401/20-101[00] The Tinies from BrutalDeluxe
tinycnst.shk5859951/20-101[00] "The Tinies" construction kit.
>Build your own levels.
tinymsic.shk222231/20-101[00] Modded "The Tinies" executable, to
>disable sound, so you can play
>other music in the background.
ultimai.shk452951/20-101[00] Ultima I GS, 1994
viad1.sdk4462321/20-101[00] Vocab in Any Direction, Kenrick Mock
viad2.sdk3912271/20-101[00] Vocab in Any Direction, Kenrick Mock
>a cross between scrabble and tetris
>make words from falling letters.
warsaga.shk[00] Warrior Saga. beta
wolfdemo.shk4989501/20-101[00] Wolfenstein 3D Demo, 1996
world.shk1450081/20-101[00] World v1.00, ported to the GS by
>Jason Harper.
xenocide.bxy5423368/7-101[00] XENOCIDE, Pangea Software.. shoot dem
>aliens as you ride on down the road
yahtzee.shk448801/20-101[00] Roll them dice look for 5 of a kind.
dotw031.shk1003521/20-101Description not available