a2qwk126.shk968031/20-101[00] 2QWK v1.26,lsw & m3 ,12/94
>QWK message reader, runs under
>MACOS, requires a patch to
>prodos for odd filenames
>Terminal Software, VT52, VT100
>and ASCII emulations supported
a2qwk20.shk514251/20-101[00] 2QWK v2.00,
>better installer and fixes
a2qwk203.shk875071/20-101[00] 2QWK v2.03,
>bufgixes, easier installation.
act.shk574401/20-101[00] Apple Conference Terminal, requires a IIe
>with 128k or better, must have an SSC in slot 2
>unclear what kind of emulation it does, but it
>does give you a 3 line send buffer.
agate89.shk565273/4-120[00] AGATE 0.89, Tony Marques
>Later version, this one seems brain
>dead though. Very limited port speed
>options. It only crashes to monitor
>for me.
agate69.shk377483/4-120[00] AGATE 0.69, Tony Marques
>Good solid VT100 terminal with PC
>extended characters. Rendered in DHGR
>requires an enhanced IIe/c. This is
>the best version I've found, widest
>range of baud rate support.
agate3.dsk1433608/7-101[00] Terminal program with good VT100/ANSI
>emulation. Double HIRES from memory so
>IIe enhanced require.
aplacces.shk879201/20-101[00] Apple Access
aplterm.shk323621/20-101[00] AppleTerm
apradio.shk592001/20-101[00] Apple Packet Radio v2.0, Fabio Viviani
>04/89 Going to take someone with more
>HAM smarts than me to sort this one out
>Interface your A2 to your TNC
awsmphrk.dsk1433608/7-101[00] Awesome Phreaker
clrqwk1.shk73991/20-101[00] Mod for 2QWK, deletes existing
>packets to make way for new ones
comm8.shk126101/20-101[00] Comm.System v1.8, Jim Ferr, 05/91
commsys.shk127521/20-101[00] Comm System v1.8, will run on a II+ (64k)
>and up, must have an SSC or compatible or the
>on board modem port. It makes no mention of
>terminal emulation, so I'm only expecting ASCII
comsys23.shk136681/20-101[00] Comm System v2.3
contiki.po8192008/7-101[00] Contiki TCP/IP system 800k img
contiki1.dsk1433608/7-101[00] Contiki TCP/IP system 140k Dsk 1
contiki2.dsk1433608/7-101[00] Contiki TCP/IP system 140k Dsk 2
contiki3.dsk1433608/7-101[00] Contiki TCP/IP system 140k Dsk 3
>Contiki is designed to run on low power,
>and low cycles computer systems. It
>provides an IPv4 and IPv6 protocol
>stack, along with a basic web browser
>and simple telnet client.
dcom.txt122178/7-101[00] DCOM 3.3 Instructions and manual. It does
>VT100 and partial VT220 terminal emulation will
>also run on a II+ or better.
dcom1.exe373018/7-101[00] executable text. exec from basic.system
dcom2.exe233018/7-101[00] executable text. exec from basic.system
dcom3.exe95818/7-101[00] executable text. exec from basic.system
eve23.dsk1433608/7-101[00] Eve v2.3 Terminal
eview.shk84941/20-101[00] E-view Offline Reader, mail/netnews
>Jesse Blue/NinjaForce
fredsndr.shk860611/20-101[00] FredSender
hsmacros.txt1008011/24-119[00] Set of Macros to run high speed modems
>in Proterm from the IIgs Serial port
infocomm.txt14048/7-101[00] List of Terminal software for your II and
>what systems it will run on.
kermit38.shk449471/20-101[00] Kermit v3.87
moustalk.sdk1644301/20-101[00] MouseTalk v1.5
pixtrm42.dsk1433608/7-101[00] PixTerm v2.4
pt3dmo.shk1652981/20-101[00] Proterm 3 demo IIe.
pt31525a.shk814833/30-101[00] ProTerm v3.1 Demo
> 5.25" floppy Disc - 1
pt31525b.shk830153/30-101[00] ProTerm v3.1 Demo
> 5.25" floppy Disc - 2
pt31dm35.shk1620001/20-101[00] ProTerm v3.1 Demo
serdrv.shk22461/20-101[00] Serial Drive - Serial port driver for a
>virtual drive to a PC under Prodos8
sscdrivr.shk207241/20-101[00] Apple Super Serial Card Driver v2.0b1,
>Scott Alfter, 1990
suprterm.shk125281/20-101[00] SuperTerm
tic.shk385561/20-101[00] Talk is Cheap for the IIe and better with
>SSC or equivalent
tic104.shk385561/20-101[00] Talk is Cheap v1.04
totelcom.shk837771/20-101[00] TimeOut Telecom
visiterm.dsk1433608/7-101[00] VisiTerm
xtrax20.shk211041/20-101[00] X Trax v2.0 self extracting archive creator
zlink.shk545681/20-101[00] Z-Link, David Whitney, 1990
>Terminal Software, with vt52, VT100,
>and ascii terminal emulation.
zmodsrc.shk1241821/20-101[00] Source code for Z-modem in some
>assembler format I don't recognise.
>Andrew Nicholas 07/91